DBRTS (Do Right By The Streets) is the evolved version of blckspces! Nothing changed about the hustle, the passion, and the intention of this space. Everything that blckspces was created off of applies to DRBTS - new name; same motivation.
DRBTS (formerly known as blckspces) was founded in 2020 and we are quickly developing a reputation for trust and quality. We aim to reach much further than just preparing plans, drawings, and the like - we are working to embed ourselves into communities/neighborhoods as lifelong residents and friends.
DRBTS, Do Right By The Streets, is a BLACK, WOMAN OWNED urban planning + place creation group that puts communities of color first. Our practice is unconventional in that focuses on PEOPLE FIRST within the traditional practice of urban planning and challenges the way things have been done to communities. Particularly communities of color. We gain expertise and experience from the streets, the community and the people who inhabit them.
DRBTS believes communal spaces + places should be accessible to everyone and any community. In addition, we believe in simplifying the complexity of urban planning policies & processes to educate and empower communities of color.
DRBTS offers a variety of services that we cater to fit your community's needs. We look forward to creating commUNITY with you!
For more information about working with DRBTS (formerly known as blckspces) and services offered, don't hesitate to get in touch with us!
Desiree' "Dee" Powell
Known to most as Dee. I'm a BLACK, female, openly gay, urban planner based in the DFW (Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex) area. Actually, more of a place curator - that's kind of my jam or "area of interest" in the professional world. I'm overly passionate about Black people/Black communities' experience in the built environment and the impact urban planning has had on their quality of life.
I'm a diehard Dallas Mavericks fan - MFFL! I'm an Arlington (AGG Stand Up!) by-product and a University of Texas at Arlington (UT-Arlington) alumnus 2x. I'm 1000% dedicated to urban issues impacting Black communities and curating spaces for US embedded in urban planning designed WITH US. Learning the game to make the game work for folks that look like me..
Hope you find something cool and inspiring here.
Yours truly,
Dee P.